A casino is an establishment for certain types of gambling. Casinos are often built near or combined with hotels, resorts, restaurants, retail shops, and other tourist attractions. Some casinos also feature live entertainment such as stand-up comedy, concerts, or sports. Casino is a portmanteau of two words: French for “house” and Latin for “game.”
The first modern casinos appeared in the United States after World War II. They were developed to attract tourists and provide a form of entertainment outside of traditional horse racing and sports betting. Many American state laws during this period prohibited gambling, but by the 1980s, most had changed to permit casinos on Indian reservations and riverboats. Several European countries legalized casinos during this period as well.
While some people use casinos to socialize with friends or make a small profit, others are addicted and have lost a great deal of money. Studies show that compulsive gambling has a negative impact on the local economy: it drains household incomes and reduces the productivity of the workforce, and it lowers real estate prices.
The security of a casino is extremely important, and casinos spend large amounts on cameras and other technological measures. For example, a casino might have elaborate surveillance systems that allow security workers to see every table and window in the building at one time; these systems can be monitored from a control room containing rows of monitors. In addition, slot machines are wired with a microcircuit that lets the casino oversee exactly how much money is being wagered and warn of any suspicious activity; and roulette wheels are electronically monitored regularly to discover any statistical deviation from expected results.